More Transits Ahead! ~ 07 Aug 2020

What a week, right? Intense transits and certainly intense times.

This next week or so, another set of transits promise resounding peals occupy our dockets and calenders. With the bite-size week by week approach in mind, let’s continue.

12 Aug - Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn

While the above quadrature is by its very nature a highly-charged aspect, one redeeming quality derives from the fact that both Mars and Pluto share co-rulership of Scorpio. By that association they do understand and appreciate each others bottom line. This aspect defines the very nature of a personal bottom line, organization objectives, and economic pursuits of an abundant baseline and also delineates the nature of any and all power grabs.

Knee-jerk reactions may cause impulsive responses that instinctively feel right in the moment. A larger question might be: Should you act (react) in the manner you sense in the present, will your long term objectives be possible? There is a bit of “win the battle, lose the war” inscribed in the motto on the battle flag of such campaigns

While companies, political leaders and nations do what they do to better their evident positions in the moment, step back and assess where you are and redefine your end game. Ultimately what do you want? What you really, really want that once you recognize it, you’ll extend yourself in as superhuman means as you can conjure. That’s what this aspect means. Find it by feeling it... let it infuse every fiber, every cell, every element of your being. Make a long term commitment to these passions... in fact, make that a life long commitment.

15 Aug - Venus in Cancer trine Ceres in Pisces, Venus square Chiron in Aries

This pattern offers the insights and attributes of a strong feminine archetype. I cannot help but imagine that here in the U.S. this aspect largely represents Joe Biden’s selection of a female vice-presidential candidate to round out his ticket - and more, the collective reaction to her. He has committed to his campaign companion being a woman. This is good. This represents potential advocacy through the female at a high level of power for the first time. Such a selection pleases the “let’s get women properly represented, involved, and fully included” element of the Venus-Ceres trine’s innate advocacy. Yet, Venus squares Chiron. There will be objections to this VP pick no matter who and no matter what. The Venus-Chiron demands that the agenda of healing be placed above all other considerations. Step back and assess what positives might come your way from this manifestation. Symbolic concrete is poured for more solid steps of feminine inclusion to follow.

Personally this is a fine transit for claiming inner and intrinsic creativity. The pattern supports the declaration of creative intent and the execution of the motivated drive of such intent and aspirations. Consider those who question such expressed motives as well-intended, but keep in mind that the urge to fulfill the creative reason for incarnation cannot be shunted for any concern or caution expressed by those not sharing the vision. Ultimately focus back on Chiron in Aries, square Venus and semi-sextile Ceres. This must be what serves your fulfillment.

Also, on the 15th, Uranus retrogrades in Taurus. Now all gaseous giant planets travel in reversed courses. It may feel that the Universe does not support personal efforts in the moment. The Divine may feel indifferent and disengaged. No matter. It remains critical to engage with every transit, whether personal or collective. Grab all brass rings, even if the prize cannot be immediately redeemed. Seize all moments knowing that some efforts may require time, fostering and diligence. Keep in mind Jupiter goes directly in slightly more than one month - 36 days. Efforts made now to be ready then serve your interests well. Jupiter resumes his interest in getting on with the getting on. He holds no patience for tentative players.

16 Aug - Mars conjunct Eris in Aries, Sun and Mercury conjunct in Leo, Icarus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

Here the theme of inclusiveness for all takes center stage. The claim of the pattern is one of all people demanding their due, recognition and respect, and a place at the table for the opportunity to bring what they have to the table. Efforts must be made for social and economic equality in every possible manifestation with every previously overlooked, discounted, discarded, ignored or rejected portion of humanity to have a proper place. That’s Mars to Eris. Those who advocate for same make strides forward. Those who do not, recede in popularity and significance.

Now the Sun and Mercury in Leo together... Wow! That is definitely center stage with the biggest and best Fresnel light focused on the star’s mark. Ideally this is where ego transforms into soul urge. If someone has it, nothing needs to be said. “It” simply radiates. Confidence, capability and competence prevail. Of course, should one be uncertain or unclear of their abilities, expect a bombastic, boisterous bluster to be the primary means of communication seeking confirmation.

Care must be applied to the Sun-Mercury meet-up. Should one go ego-driven and blowhard in nature, Icarus and Pluto simultaneously align in Capricorn. All the mythology of Icarus flying overly close to the Sun comes into play. Those who carelessly overextend meet their fate. Those who lack calculation in capability fly in unfriendly skies. Risk and responsibility must meet up with those damnable bottom-line objectives.

No doubt all of this plays out on the political front, and more important, on the approach to the pandemic front. What does it mean to you, specifically?

Decide where you need to be included. Assess what serves your objectives and what does not. Embrace what does. Politely disengage from what does not. With that complete, assess your skills, capabilities and talents and assign them a proper place in your arsenal or toolbox. Proceed with the confidence that at any time in any situation, you have the correct tool for the job. Also consider that you manifest and savor the good sense granted to your consciousness package with your incarnation. Should a task be overly daunting or exceed knowledge or skill sets, have the wisdom to seek out those with more experience and ability and graciously step out of their way as they arrive to assist your causes.

That whole thing about surrounded by alligators in a drained swamp comes into play. When overwhelmed or outmatched, call in the symbolic cavalry. Team building and relying upon the talents of experts aligns better in long-range planning than does ego-based proclamations and efforts to force the personal fit.

Know the destination. Fly in the most economic and safe route possible. Land with perfection, then, offload all your creative cargo for ideal application.

More soon!